Tuesday, June 28, 2011

If you smell..

This year, our theme for Petra Can Wok is: CHICKEN, Ayam, Kai, Ji.
So, before the real competition day, this sat we will have a trial session to prepare the dishes.
It's your chance to lay your hands on the kitchen table so give us your best cooking and garnishing skill.
So dun chicken out and come this Saturday!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Barnabas F Day!

We are having Potluck this Sat. 
You'll have to bring a dish, any dish with the the letter F in it like (F)ishball, (F)an shu, (F)rench (F)ries etc.
The food portion should be for 3-4 people will do. You can "kap mai" a few ppl to prepare a food.
Once you've decided what to bring, kindly inform any of the leaders. Any problem jz ask them too.
Have a fruitful week ahead!

Friday, June 10, 2011

This Sat..

This Saturday: Barnabas BBQ: And Now We're Back!

Joey's House. 11 June 2011.
BBQ Fee: Leaders: RM 7, Members: RM 5

House Rules:
- Stay out of the first floor of the house
- You are not allowed to enter the rooms (except the bathroom) at all times unless the time permitted and guided by Joey
- You are not allowed to leave the house unless the time permitted and guided by your group leader
- You are to participate in all activities organized by the leaders
- All valuable things and money must not be left around carelessly. No one will be held responsible for any lost of valuables and money.
- Please report any damage caused to any equipment or property immediately to Joey
- Keep the house clean and tidy

Things to bring: you, your friends, your BBQ fee and your empty stomach :)